Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Basic Training

For my Bri, as she enters this next chapter in her life - a chapter in the US Coast Guard!
We're so very proud!!

~Basic Training~

Saying goodbye
Childhood past
Nineteen years
Happens fast

Basic Training
Digging deep
No complaining
Climbing steep

Search your soul,
Figure out
Acquire foundation

Push yourself
Find the limit
Go beyond
Heart is in it

Brand new start
Make it yours
Take some chances
Open doors


in strength.
in love.
in anticipation.
in courage.
in faith.

Find yourself…
Train yourself…
Create yourself…
Become yourself.

Be yourself.

And remember who you are… and whose you are.

August 22, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

My View from Here...

Nothing really prepares you, as a parent – as a mother, for watching your children struggle, spiral, fall, fail... It goes against our very nature to actually let go and let them make mistakes – big mistakes, mistakes that could have long-lasting repercussions, or decisions that our own experience has taught us are all the wrong ones. We want to hold their hands, protect them, correct & redirect them. But there comes a time when we have to take a step back – or two; a time when we can only be there to pick up pieces, or simply just cry with them over the ‘spilled milk’. Those are tough parenting times. Really tough! And while they think the pain is theirs alone… it’s not. We bear it on our shoulders, too… and in our hearts. No, there’s just no pain like watching your child hurt… struggle… fall …and fight… But there is no greater joy, than when you see them overcome great obstacles… and when you see them win!

I bet God feels that way about us!

My View from Here…

I have watched my daughter fight.
I have watched her hit wall after wall... after brick wall.
I have seen her disappointed, hurting, angry, broken.
I have seen her take blow after blow.
I have seen her ashamed.

I have seen her cry…
and scream.
I have seen her close… way too close.
I have seen her on the edge.

I have seen her misguided…

I have seen her get up.
I have seen her try again… and again.
I have seen her dust herself off.
I have seen her push through.

I have seen her come back.

Yes, I have seen her fight.

And today…
Today, I have seen her win!

And the moment couldn’t be any sweeter.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is an old one... written when my closest friend was suicidal. I'm not sure why I added it here... I came across some old journals & poems from a few years ago... I love going back & reading those. It's amazing to look back and see how far you've come and how God has changed things in your life...

In this case, I didn't lose my friend to suicide, but I did eventually lose this lifelong friendship, I still miss the person she was before all this - or perhaps what I mean to say is I miss the 'us' we were then, but to coin an 'Oprah-ism'... sometimes relationships become 'toxic'... nonetheless, this poem speaks to/about those who simply cannot see their own worth... and the cry of the hearts of those who can.


To Sassy..... for so many reasons.

Shattered glass
Distorted reflection
Aching past

Losing touch
Fatigued, depleted
It’s all too much
Tired, defeated

Easy solution
Drink up, swallow
End confusion
Sleep will follow

Falling deep
Broken, forsaken
Sleep, sweet sleep
Don’t awaken

Open eyes
Find a reason
Truth; not lies
A brand new season

Shattered soul
Mended and whole
New reflection

See what I see
Through eyes of love
See what God sees
From within and above

Be shattered no more, my dearest friend.

Copyright (c) 2005 PB