Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Connecting the Dots….

Connecting the Dots….

Dot to Dot… Moments in time…

Dot to Dot… Each moment mine.

Random points… scattered, askew

Various sizes… various hues…

Viewed collectively, they seem a mess

Viewed individually… direction-less.

But connect each one to the one that follows

A picture unfolds… at first glance, hollow.

Don't be discouraged, the dots make sense

When viewed connected, and in past-tense.

For each step you've taken, both right and wrong

Creates a picture… composes a song.

One that reveals the test of time,

A path, and a destiny, with rhythm and rhyme.

Every dot… every moment becomes who you are

The joys, the sorrows, the battles… the scars.

When your life just doesn't seem to make sense....

Correct… the mistakes.

Reflect… on the good things.

Reject… the guilt.

Affect… the future.

Expect… great things.

Select… the whole picture, and not just a part

Connect…all the dots of your life, of your heart…

Perfect… what you see... its not dots... its Art.

You place the dots.... God makes it art.
pH © 03/29/07

Creative Commons License
Life Lessons - Lessons from Life for Life by Patti Hamilton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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