Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Beginnings...New Dreams... New Love

I once posted a blog that said "What a difference a year makes!".... what, indeed! This road called life has taken a few unforseen bends, with the mountains and valleys that we all must travel at various points in our journies.... I suppose it's truly a good thing that we know not what our futures hold.... it would take away all the surprises!!

But this path is bringing sunshine after rain... butterflies from caterpillars.... joy after mourning.... contentment, happiness, laughter and WOW!
To HH... on our Wedding Day...

New Beginnings… New Dreams… New Love

New Beginnings… I welcome you.
You are what tomorrows are made of.
You bring hope, and expectation… and life!
Just as the shaft breaks through the soil,
You are the budding promise of a garden in bloom.

I thank my God for second chances.

New Dreams… From the dust you arise,
leaving behind the ashes of yesterday.
Your inspiration bursts forth from the desires of my heart.
You follow me into the dawn of a new day…
Your fulfillment breeds more of the same.

The future has purpose because of you.

New Love… you have invaded every fiber of my being!
My joy erupts from deep within…
spilling out into my countenance.
You mock all attempts at maturity,
as I giggle like a girl with her first crush.
You mirror God's pursuit of man… of me…
You're a reflection of His longing for us.

I delight in the celebration of you!

Celebration… No better word to describe our wedding day!

The day I vow to share with, dream with, work with, pray with,
laugh with, cry with, curl up with, walk with, build with,
worship with, do chores with, have fun with, do all with…

My Love…
My Lover…
My Best Friend…
My Soul Mate…
My You…

PH Copyright 2006

Creative Commons License
Life Lessons - Lessons from Life for Life by Patti Hamilton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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