Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life Lessons - The Speed of His Voice

We recently went to the Air Show to watch the U.S. Air Force "Thunderbirds" perform. They demonstrated the power and skill of our nation's military jets as they wowed the crowd with their show. As I stood on that hill, I was amazed by the precision of the flight formations of the aircraft as they flew overhead, seemingly just inches apart. The planes would separate, turn, and fly head-on toward each other at full speed, only to pull up at what seemed like the very last second to avoid collision! They flew upside down, they spiraled, they did mid-air cartwheels and they never missed a beat. I was awestruck and humbled by the fearlessness and expertise of each of the pilots.

The roar of the planes was such that we couldn't hear one another speak when they were just overhead… but, wait… they were NOT overhead! Indeed the airplanes were long gone by the time I heard their 'thunder'… and it occurred to me that God was using this display to reveal a bit of Himself to me...

Because God transcends time and space; when He speaks – by the time we 'hear' His voice - He has already been there, and it is already done. He does all things with precision and He never misses a beat… He is a skilled and masterful pilot...and when it appears that a collision is imminent… as long as He is the pilot - as long as we let him be… there is no need to fear. He dazzles with the splendor of a sunset, or the simplicity a kitten's purr… He speaks, and the winds obey. He speaks, and the birds hush their singing. He speaks and every knee bows. He speaks in thunder, in a raindrop, in a whisper, in a breath. He speaks to your need, to your hurt, to your hearts' cry, to your heart… He speaks, and it is already done.

Now, let me just learn to listen!


Creative Commons License
Life Lessons - Lessons from Life for Life by Patti Hamilton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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