Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Child…..

This was written to my daughter during a time of struggling with poor decisions, trying to figure out who she is and what she wants to be.... teenagers... ugh!

My Child…..

Flesh of my flesh…. my blood… my twin…. my breath.

Reach for life…. And stop chasing death!!

Be beautiful. Be raw. Be strong. Be YOU!!!!!

My heart screams for you to just be YOU!!


I want to grab you and hold you and let you beat your fists until your anger is gone.

I want to protect you from yourself.

I want to hide you away from all who seek to devour you… the forces, and the so-called friends… the two sometimes seemingly united in their goal.

I want to hunt them down and destroy them!!

But I can't. I can't! I CAN'T!!!!

Only you can do this for you.

Only you can choose to be you…. Maybe this is what they mean when they say 'Go find yourself'…. Because my heart's cry is for you to find yourself! Soon.

I miss you, my baby… my child. I miss you!

I miss beautiful, strong, bold, sensational you!

I miss my friend. My comedian. My joy. My you.

Can you please go find you? Because this…. THIS is NOT you!

Stop chasing death. And weakness. And stupidity….

Those things come easily enough; you don't even have to try.

Stop taking the easy way; aren't you sick of all the people on that road?

Look at their eyes. Their eyes are cold. Yours used to be full of life, and mischief, and excitement.
Now they reflect all that you see.

You're just looking in the wrong places….. and you know it.
I KNOW you know it.

Your laughter is hollow.
Your mischief, deceit.
Your strength has become your weakness.
Your joy has been stolen.

Take it back. Take it BACK!! TAKE it all back!!!

Fight for you, baby… FIGHT FOR YOU!!! Be who you're meant to be. Be who you WANT to be!

"...the tension is here - between who you are and who you should be, between how it is and how it could be.... maybe redemption has stories to tell.... maybe forgiveness is right where you fell...

I dare you to move.... I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor... Like today never happened... today never happened before.... where can you run to escape from yourself.... where you gonna go? Salvation is here..." Switchfoot

Creative Commons License
Life Lessons - Lessons from Life for Life by Patti Hamilton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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