Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life Lessons - Just Like a Pill

There are these two little pills that I take every day… at least that’s what I’m ‘supposed’ to do. And most of the time I do… and I feel great. So great, in fact, that I forget that’s why I’m feeling good. Does that make sense?

What I’m trying to say is that these two little pills make me feel normal and healthy. They replace hormones that my body no longer has the ability to make on its own. It’s no big deal… I pop my little blue & green pills, and go on my merry way… until one morning I’m rushing out the door, and I put it off; thinking to myself that I feel good and healthy… and it can wait, I’ll be fine! Same thing the next morning, and the one after that... until several days later, my skin is dry, my hair is falling out, I have trouble remembering things, I’m emotional and I don’t have the energy to even pay attention… in other words, I’m crashing! And then it dawns on me – or my husband says these five little words: “Did you take your pills?”

It’s at that moment that I realize what I’ve done. I have brought this on myself. I have the antidote. But more importantly I have the means of preventing this… and I forget; or I put it off until a more convenient time… forgetting that the reason I feel healthy and fine is BECAUSE I have been taking the medicine faithfully, and the medicine is working with my body to maintain. And now… I have robbed my body of the assistance it needs and it now has to do more than maintain… it has to overcome!

Last night was one of those moments… and I’m embarrassed to say that it happens way more often than it should, and I always feel stupid and angry at myself… in addition to feeling SICK! So this morning, I started back on the medicine after numerous days without it. There’s an almost-immediate difference, but it will take a few days to feel ‘normal’ again.

Foolish, eh? Yes!

And yet this morning, God used this as a life lesson for me….

You see, these pills are just like my prayer life! When I am taking something before the Lord every day, requesting His assistance, or intervention in a particular situation... or for that matter, when I take the time to have a daily, personal relationship with Him in all things… life seems to go more smoothly… Even in the ‘crisis’ times, it feels like things are in control because I’m letting God handle it. And life goes along… feeling normal, and healthy and fine….and I forget to pray… or I put it off until a more convenient time. Same thing the next day… and the one after that – thinking to myself that my kids are doing great, my job is successful, my marriage is fantastic, my health is thriving, LIFE IS GOOD… and I put it off… until one day, something crashes… and I realize… that I’ve forgotten my pills! I have robbed myself of the assistance I need to get through life. I can’t do it alone. I have forgotten that it’s BECAUSE of that daily pill – a personal, daily relationship with Him - that my life has been healthy, and normal, and good… And now I have to do more than maintain… I have to overcome!

Thank God that one dose makes an immediate difference… for me… and for all of us…

Did you take your pills today?

Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation); seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore. ~Psalm 105:4 (Amplified Bible)

Creative Commons License
Life Lessons - Lessons from Life for Life by Patti Hamilton is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Anonymous said...

i needed this today.

Yvonne said...

Yvonne Says This Is My Philosophy:

7 Days Without Jesus Makes 1 Weak
(week - get it; Ha Ha)

Learned this lesson a long time ago. I do my best to stay on track, but..... This is why these types of blogs work. They are a reminder that we can't live a day without Him!


Yvonne said...

Yvonne Says Here Is My Pilosophy:

7 Days Without Jesus Makes 1 Weak
(week - get it; Ha Ha)

I learned this one a long time ago. I do my best to live by these words but...... This is exactly why these types of blogs work. It is a reminder that we can't live a day without Him!